Redoublement syntaxique (RS) et consonnes latentes en latin tardif et médieval: quelques repères

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Michela Russo et al., « Redoublement syntaxique (RS) et consonnes latentes en latin tardif et médieval: quelques repères », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10670/1.twc2zo


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For the last fifteen years, the typically italo-romance phenomenon known as "raddoppiamento sintattico" (RS) has been the subject of lively debate. Diachronically RS arose from the complete phonosyntactic assimilation of -C# in Word1 with Word2 with #C_ in Word1-Word2 sequence. The roots of the phenomen is the spoken Latin of the imperial era, when the assimilation of -C# with #C- was a substandard alternative to the retention of the final consonant. Synchronically, we propose that the position of the final consonant has been maintained. The latent consonant represents a phonically dissociated element. Since C is dissociated, it is only realised in the liaison context and liaison is a syllabification effect. RS occurs if the two words form a syntactic constituent (minimal phrase); a link to syntactic proclitisation is essential to the process of RS.

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