Péguy Alive: 140 Years and Beyond

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Since 1942, the Charles Péguy Association, l'Amitié Charles Péguy, has been promoting a clear picture of who Péguy was. Under the nazi Occupation of France, when Pétainist discourse used chopped quotations of Péguy in strange ways, it was not an easy task. And Péguy's reputation was marred. For some, he has been better left forgotten. But in fact, in an era that focuses on profit for profit's sake, writers like Péguy challenge the way things work, and keep us wondering if we can not do better. This is the first time that the Amitié Charles Péguy's bulletin has been published in English. The guiding idea for this issue has been to present a few perspectives that indicate how Péguy is viewed in the English speaking world today, suggesting how relevant he is to the 21st Century, and also stimulating more interest in Péguy internationally.

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