“«Is it /'prɑːɡ/ or /'preɪɡ/»? L2 pronunciation feedback in English-French tandem conversations”

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21 mai 2015

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Céline Horgues et al., « “«Is it /'prɑːɡ/ or /'preɪɡ/»? L2 pronunciation feedback in English-French tandem conversations” », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10670/1.u9aeua


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The paper offers further findings from the analysis of corrective feedback (CF) given to the native French speakers by their native English-speaking tandem partners as part of the SITAF corpus collected at the University of Paris 3. The corpus, described at length in Horgues & Scheuer (2015), consists of around 25 hours of video-recorded, face-to-face interactions held by 21 pairs of French-English tandem participants. The speakers were recorded on two occasions – in February (session 1) and May 2013 (session 2) – while performing three types of tasks. Two of them were communication activities, Liar-Liar (Game 1; storytelling) and Like Minds (Game 2; argumentation), while the last was a reading task, for which The North Wind and the Sun was used. Although all the participants got to perform all three tasks in their respective L1 and L2 at least once during the recording sessions, our analysis will only be concerned with the English portion of the data. We have previously reported on the CF provided by the native speakers (NSs) during the reading task (Horgues & Scheuer, 2014), whereas the present paper expands this line of research by offering a preliminary analysis of L2 pronunciation feedback given to their native French-speaking partners during the two conversation tasks.

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