John of Pouilly’s Intellectualist Reading of the March 7, 1277 Condemnation

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Tobias Hoffmann, « John of Pouilly’s Intellectualist Reading of the March 7, 1277 Condemnation », HAL-SHS : histoire, ID : 10670/1.usxusa


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Several articles of the March 7, 1277 condemnation by the Parisian bishop Stephen Tempier censure an intellectualist conception of the relation of intellect and will. Yet remarkably, thirty years later, John of Pouilly argues that rather than censuring intellectualist stances, these articles endorse them. This paper examines Pouilly's interpretation of these articles against a twofold background: Pouilly's strongly intellectualist theory of free will and Henry of Ghent's voluntarist interpretation of some of the same articles, which is Pouilly's direct target in his discussion of the articles. The paper thus portrays a unique witness of the reception of Tempier's condemnation and provides insight into a sophisticated theory of free will that represents a minority view at the time.

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