Medición del desarrollo humano a escala territorial: metodología y su aplicación a los casos de Argentina y México

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Economía, Sociedad y Territorio

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María Albina Pol, « Medición del desarrollo humano a escala territorial: metodología y su aplicación a los casos de Argentina y México », Economía, Sociedad y Territorio, ID : 10670/1.v5msl9


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"This work presents the results from a research whose starting point is the consideration of human developments as a process of territorial nature; the accomplishments of people are determined by the surrounding wherein they commonly live. This states the need to advance in the formulation of theoretical-methodological approaches that include the spatial dimension of development. On this basis, and from corroborating the scarce capacity of HDI-UNDP to give an account of the unequal distribution of capabilities at sub-national scale in Latin American countries, we constructed the new measure, which adjusted to the UNDP methodology, presents greater territorial sensibility. The exercise of application of the index of territorial human development to Argentina and Mexico allowed drawing some conclusions on its validity."

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