Potential impact of a transatlantic trade and investment partnership on the global forest sector

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Joseph Buongiorno et al., « Potential impact of a transatlantic trade and investment partnership on the global forest sector », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10.1016/j.jfe.2014.07.001


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The effects of a transatlantic trade agreement on the global forest sector were assessed with the Global Forest Products Model, conditional on previous macroeconomic impacts predicted with a general equilibrium model. Comprehensive tariff elimination per se had little effect on the forest sector. However, with deeper reforms and integration consumption would increase twice as much in percent in the US as in the EU. Net trade decreased in the US more than in the EU while it increased in Asia. Consumers and producers' welfare increased by $7000 million in the EU and $14,000 million in the US, but decreased in some third countries, especially in Asia. (C) 2014 Department of Forest Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umea. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

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