Repoliticising the Future of Work: Automation and the End of Techno-Optimism: Automation and the Future of Work, by Aaron Benanav, Verso Books, 2020, 160 pp., £12,99 (hardback), ISBN 978-1839761294Smart Machines and Service Work: Automation in an Age of Stagnation, by Jason E.Smith, Reaktion Books, December 2020, 192 pp., $20.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1789143188

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Solange Vivienne Manche et al., « Repoliticising the Future of Work: Automation and the End of Techno-Optimism: Automation and the Future of Work, by Aaron Benanav, Verso Books, 2020, 160 pp., £12,99 (hardback), ISBN 978-1839761294Smart Machines and Service Work: Automation in an Age of Stagnation, by Jason E.Smith, Reaktion Books, December 2020, 192 pp., $20.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1789143188 », HAL-SHS : sociologie, ID : 10.1080/17530350.2022.2028651


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This review article of Aaron Benanav's Automation and the Future of Work (2020) and Jason Smith's Smart Machines and Service Work (2020) reads both works as an effort to repoliticise the question of unemployment, which has too often been ascribed to technological innovation, especially by proponents of automation theory. It places their works within current debates surrounding the question of automation and its political reverberations across the political spectrum. In the end, we show that the shortcomings of automation discourse reside in their economic analyses of the future of work and employment and that automation theorists encourage a depoliticisation of the question of employment through technocracy, while Benanav and Smith open the way for thinking about the future of work as a collective and social endeavour.

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