Roland Barthes lifework’s Canvas in the Tiphaine Samoyault’s Intellectual Biography Le tissu de la vie et de l’œuvre de Roland Barthes dans la biographie intellectuelle de l’écrivain par Thiphaine Samoyault ТКАНИНА ЖИТТЄТВОРУ РОЛАНА БАРТА В ІНТЕЛЕКТУАЛЬНІЙ БІОГРАФІЇ ПИСЬМЕННИКА ТІФЕН САМОЙО En Fr Uk

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28 novembre 2015

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Galyna Dranenko, « Le tissu de la vie et de l’œuvre de Roland Barthes dans la biographie intellectuelle de l’écrivain par Thiphaine Samoyault », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10670/1.w568xx


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The article considers T. Samoyault’s biographical proses, dedicated to Roland Barthes (Samoyault T. Roland Barthes, Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2015). The raises questions are about the intention of the intellectual and biographical project and the poetical methods of theirs realization. We distinguished the subject’s dominants (biographemes) of intellectual lifework and the approaches of their reconstruction. We outlined the narrative methods of the (de)mythologization of the object of the biographical text. We marked out the types of the used discourses: literary or fictional discourse (by means of the sorting of the biographical material in the narrative and the creation of the biographical personage); the documentary or factual discourse used by means of the authentication of the source base this is the testimonies, documents, manuscripts and so on; the argumentative or scientific discourse used by means of the intellectual intention of the biographical project. Besides, we paid attention to the paratextuels components of the analyzed biographical work (péritexte and épitexte) with the purpose to describe the writer’s strategies of the author of the biography of the famous French thinker and we outlined the waiting horizon of their recipient. We justified the singularity of T. Samoyault’s work functions in the genre paradigm of the lifeworks about R. Barthes. We traced „the intellectual biography„ of the French author as the biography which based not on the life of the protagonistof the life story, but as a story of his Novel’s emergence as the complex of the produced his ideas and his concepts and the influences of the intellectual space during the certain period and vice versa. It is specially noted the metabiographical components of the T. Samoyault’s work. We stressed on the combination of the chronological and the fragmental, we noted that the unity of the author’s life story based not on the time direction but on the direction of the critical thought of the life story’s object.

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