International segmentation: towards a third path between global and national

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Bertrand Belvaux et al., « International segmentation: towards a third path between global and national », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10670/1.x5wkep


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This paper aims to advance segmentation methodology in international settings. We suggest two techniques that, inserted in current international segmentation methodology, can help researchers find and validate possible transnational segments using various consumption dimensions. In order to facilitate the choice of an appropriate path, we suggest comparing the international segmentation to the country-based segmentation by using the eta-squared test. Then, if needed, in order to bring out the underlying logics of product consumption in various countries, we suggest comparing the correlations between consumer motivations and product attributes (based on Means–End Chains theory) among the target countries. We provide evidence of the effectiveness of these techniques in the case of an international study of the wine market in China, Chile and France, and conclude with a research agenda.

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