Hydrogen market penetration feasibility assessment: Mobility and natural gas markets in the US, Europe, China and Japan

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Olfa Tlili et al., « Hydrogen market penetration feasibility assessment: Mobility and natural gas markets in the US, Europe, China and Japan », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.04.226


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Economy Market penetration Competitiveness Multi-regional Prospective a b s t r a c t Making it possible to bridge between different sectors thanks to its versatility, hydrogen is a promising enabler for a multi-sectorial decarbonisation. The remaining question is how feasible it is to substitute the current carbonized technologies already prevailing in the markets by new low-carbon hydrogen systems that can be more expensive today and by which timeframe hydrogen can reach the required competitiveness. The market entry feasibility in the transport and natural gas sectors is assessed for USA, Europe, Japan, and China, and for different timeframes (up to 2040). According to the results , the most promising market in the four regions is hydrogen for mobility. This market even presents a potential room for taxation in the medium term. In contrast, blending with natural gas struggles to reach competitiveness. Both industrial and political efforts are required in the two markets in order to lower the costs and prepare a suitable market penetration environment.

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