Grabungsvorberichte/Preliminary Excavation Reports: Archaeobotanical Investigations at Tell el-Retaba. 2nd Intermediate period – 18th dynasty cemetery and settlements. Ägypten und Levante|Ägypten und Levante XXVI 26|

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29 décembre 2016

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Claire Malleson, « Grabungsvorberichte/Preliminary Excavation Reports: Archaeobotanical Investigations at Tell el-Retaba. 2nd Intermediate period – 18th dynasty cemetery and settlements. Ägypten und Levante|Ägypten und Levante XXVI 26| », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10.1553/AEundL26s129


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This article presents results of analysis of 2nd Intermediate period and 18th dynasty archaeobotanical remains from the multi-period settlement and cemetery site of Tell el-Retaba in the Wadi Tumilat; material from the Ramesside and 3rd Intermediate period can be found in A&L 25 (2015, 175–200). Excavations conducted since 2009 have yielded abundant charred plant macroremains the analyses of which have enabled hypotheses relating to the local environment, animal husbandry, agriculture and subsistence strategies. It has now been established that the area experienced regular fluctuations of water levels and changing water-bodies, and that the inhabitants of the settlements of all periods at the site generally seem to have relied primarily upon an integrated arable and livestock agricultural system.

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