Association between confirmed congenital Zika infection at birth and outcomes up to 3 years of life.

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1 juin 2021

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Infectious diseases

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N. Hcini et al., « Association between confirmed congenital Zika infection at birth and outcomes up to 3 years of life. », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10.1038/s41467-021-23468-3


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Little is known about the long-term neurological development of children diagnosed with congenital Zika infection at birth. Here, we report the imaging and clinical outcomes up to three years of life of a cohort of 129 children exposed to Zika virus in utero. Eighteen of them (14%) had a laboratory confirmed congenital Zika infection at birth. Infected neonates have a higher risk of adverse neonatal and early infantile outcomes (death, structural brain anomalies or neurologic symptoms) than those who tested negative: 8/18 (44%) vs 4/111 (4%), aRR 10.1 [3.5-29.0]. Neurological impairment, neurosensory alterations or delays in motor acquisition are more common in infants with a congenital Zika infection at birth: 6/15 (40%) vs 5/96 (5%), aRR 6.7 [2.2-20.0]. Finally, infected children also have an increased risk of subspecialty referral for suspected neurodevelopmental delay by three years of life: 7/11 (64%) vs 7/51 (14%), aRR 4.4 [1.9-10.1]. Infected infants without structural brain anomalies also appear to have an increased risk, although to a lesser extent, of neurological abnormalities. It seems paramount to offer systematic testing for congenital ZIKV infection in cases of in utero exposure and adapt counseling based on these results.

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