Patient referral is influenced by dialysis centre structure in the Diamant Alpin Dialysis cohort study

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J. P. Wauters et al., « Patient referral is influenced by dialysis centre structure in the Diamant Alpin Dialysis cohort study », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10.1093/ndt/gfh387


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BACKGROUND: Late referral (LR) to the nephrologist of patients with progressing chronic kidney disease (CKD) has numerous deleterious effects and is observed in many countries. The contributing factors associated with LR are controversial and poorly defined. We hypothesized that these factors might be better identified by analysing patients starting dialysis in three distinct European countries within the same area. METHOD: The referral and progression of kidney failure patterns were analysed with demographic, clinical and biological data in 279 non-selected consecutive patients starting dialysis in eight centres of three adjacent regions in France, Italy and Switzerland. RESULTS: Early referral (>6 months before the start of dialysis) was seen in 200 patients (71.6%), intermediate referral (1-6 months) in 42 (15.1%) and LR (

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