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Pierre-Yves Baudot, « L’invention des délais. Pourquoi l’administration doit-elle répondre dans les temps ? », Revue des politiques sociales et familiales, ID : 10.3406/caf.2015.3067
The invention of deadlines Why must the administration meet deadlines ? Meeting deadlines set by user requirements has become a major requirement imposed on administrations. Based on a study on the pressure of deadlines imposed on local agencies in charge of disability rights allocation (MDPH), this article considers the link between the urgency of the situations which these administrations must deal with and the implementation of criteria for deadlines. After examining the link between the urgency of situations and the organisation of administrative work, the author shows that the order imposed on administrations to meet deadlines is the product of conflict within the MDPH, between managers and professionals, but also in the definition of the scope of expertise of the MDPHs within what the author suggests calling " local worlds of rights production".