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Benoît Bérard, « De l’archéologie précolombienne au patrimoine antillais. La patrimonialisation des héritages amérindiens en Martinique et en Guadeloupe », Outre-Mers. Revue d'histoire, ID : 10.3406/outre.2014.5096
The Amerindian genetic heritage is extremely poor in the French Antilles (Martinique and Guadeloupe archipelago). However, the early and important valorisation of the cultural Amerindian legacies has played a role, since the beginning of the XXth century, in the local expression of a specific cultural identity, distinct from the French national one. The absence of declared Amerindian descendants has for a part supported this strong valorisation. Unlike the African heritages, the Amerindian legacies were not linked to a painful and socially sensitive memory. However, before the last decades, the deep social integration of those legacies was limited by the progress of the identity building process. Nowadays, the identity discourse centered on ‘‘ Antillanité’’ and ‘‘ Créolité’’ notions allows the progressive disappearance of those bottlenecks and authorizes the transformation of those Amerindian legacies in French Antillean heritage elements socially recognised.