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Bozena Klimczak et al., « Régulation de la valeur ajoutée dans les entreprises d'Etat en Pologne (1982-1988) », Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest (documents), ID : 10.3406/receo.1990.1461
Regulation of value-added in State enterprises in Poland (1982-1988) This article deals with the rise in wages paid by State enterprises during the 1980's, when the process of reforming the economic mechanism was begun. The authors describe the theoretical bases of the reform, stressing the question of state mobilization of the economic surplus, and the use to which it was put. They affirm that, both in theory and in practice, the advantage of leaving the totality of value-added at the disposal of the enterprise was not even considered, and that the State has remained in control of it. There follows an examination of the regulatory methods which the State employed to distribute value-added during the 1980's, and their influence on the limitation of wage rises, on the State's sustained monopoly of accumulation, and on the use of coercion as the main instrument of economic power.