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Laurent Bricault, « Deux nouveaux Osiris dans le nord de la Gaule », Revue du Nord, ID : 10.3406/rnord.1992.5998
A chance discovery led to the locating of two hitherto unknown nummyform statuettes of Osiris disin-tered in 1890 from the Merlovingian graveyard of Wanquetin (Pas-de-Calais). They must be added to the five already known statuettes recovered in northern Gaul. One of them probably comes from Lower-Egypt and can be dated back to the Lower-Period or even to Ptolemaic times. The other one might have been made locally and dates back to the Gallo-Roman period. They take place in the already long list of Aegyptiaca recovered in Merlovingian graves in Normandy and in Picardy essentially. In this part of Gaul where oriental cults are now well asserted, they must have translated the attraction exerted by these cults on the Germanic populations entering the Roman world. The magical and protective aspect of the Osiris statuettes would have been then once again at the origin of their burying in the Merlovingian period.