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Henri Favre, « Chiapas 1993. Tentative d'analyse d'une situation insurrectionnelle », Annales (documents), ID : 10.3406/ahess.2002.280105
Chiapas 1993. Analysis of an insurrectional situation. The paper analyses the situation of Chiapas on the eve of the Indian uprising that broke out in this South-Eastern State of Mexico at the beginning of 1994. Using different variables such as the agrarian structure, the demographic pressure, the social relations, the public policies, the agencies of mobilization, the political mediation and the mode of development, the analysis points out the contribution and the limitations of the structural theories as well as those of the theories of collective behaviour which pretend to explain the insurrectional phenomenon. The conclusion shows how difficult it is to forecast the occurrence of this phenomenon and thus to answer the social demand that leads to set again the insurrection on the agenda of the social research.