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Anne Pradeilles et al., « Élaboration d'un dictionnaire sur l'anglais des réseaux, en TURBO C sur compatible IBM PC. Analyse qualitative et quantitative d'un corpus de textes anglais sur les réseaux », Cahiers de l'APLIUT (documents), ID : 10.3406/apliu.1988.1999
In September 85, pluridisciplinary projects, officially termed "Etude de synthèse", have been introduced in the official programs of IUT Computer Science Departments. Among the 14 projects (or PPds) proposed to the students of the Computer Science Department of the IUT of Paris V in 87-88, 4 included English as a subject matter associated with Computer Science. The two PPDs presented here are both based on the same corpus of English texts on computer networks, mainly taken from the "Networking" section of Computerworld. The objective was in one PPD to write a textual analysis software dealing with both quantitative and qualitative aspects and in the other a computerized dictionary. The pedagogical part of the work is going on and the CRAI explores the research aspects.