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Gerdi Gerschheimer et al., « L'épée inscrite de Boston (K. 1048, 1040-41 de notre ère) », Arts Asiatiques (documents), ID : 10.3406/arasi.2010.1708
A gilded bronze sword, kept in the Museum of Fine Arts of Boston (Massachusetts) since the beginning of the 1970s, bears a short inscription of two lines in Old Khmer. A new reading of the inscription allows one to correct previous publications. A wrong reading, among other factors, has led to date the sword 862 saka/ 940 AD (under Jayavarman IV), and thus to provide "hard evidence for [the] use [of mercury-gilding for Khmer artifacts] during the tenth century". In fact, the inscription clearly bears the date 962 saka/1040-41 AD (under Suryavarman I).