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Kazuhisa Nakayama et al., « La dynamique de création, réplication et déclin des lieux de pèlerinage : le nouveau pèlerinage de Shikoku à Sasaguri », Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie (documents), ID : 10.3406/asie.2013.1420
The present article examines the dynamics between inside and outside of pilgrimage in studying the case of Sasaguri New Shikoku Holy Places (Sasaguri Shin-Shikoku reijō). As a result, it became possible to distinguish four facets of these dynamics: 1. dynamics by which the pilgrimage places are generated (dynamics of generation), 2. dynamics by which pilgrims going to visit these places are generated (dynamics of reception), 3. dynamics by which pilgrimage places change pilgrims (dynamics of action), and 4. dynamics by which pilgrims change pilgrimage places (dynamics of re-creation). The first and the fourth are dynamics that concern the pilgrimage places (creation and changes of the pilgrimage places), and the second and the third are dynamics concerning the pilgrims (use of pilgrimage places by pilgrims). What becomes evident in these dynamics is the power sustained on the notion of utsushi, that is "to copy", or "to transfer", or "to shift", or "to reflect". By imitating the resource of subtle power (reiryoku) and authority (iryoku) of the outside, it is possible to create inside a new culture of pilgrimage by using little resources of effort and knowledge. The appropriation of patterns is a creative method, and is the driving power of changing society and culture. Pilgrimage can change humans, but in Sasaguri' s pilgrimage places, it is not only the pilgrims, but also the object of pilgrimage, that is those people who manage and control the holy places and who take care of pilgrims, who are changed: their identity consciousness and economic situation are drastically transformed. It is the pilgrimage places and those living there that are the object of ceaseless change.