Les rites annuels de la maison et des communautés locales en transformation : intérieur et extérieur des lieux de vie communautaires









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Toshiko Ishikawa et al., « Les rites annuels de la maison et des communautés locales en transformation : intérieur et extérieur des lieux de vie communautaires », Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie (documents), ID : 10.3406/asie.2013.1424


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Abstract En

The outside around the house (ie) is the local community (section, kumi, and area, ku), and the town of Sasaguri is composed of an aggregate of sections and areas. The present article studies the annual events of the town of Sasaguri, analyzing them according to three criteria that are places, actors and aims. Based on this analysis, the double dynamics between continuation and transformation in time, and inside and outside in space will be considered. There is also another outside in Sasaguri having impact on its inside, that is the pilgrims coming to visit its circuit of temples and oratories of the holy places of Shin-Shikoku (Shin-Shikoku reijō). The events inside houses are framed by the setting of special apparatus which convert their spaces from the everyday life (ke) to the festive (hare), and this setting tends to determine the events' actors and aims. Examining these particular moments of houses, it will be possible to shed light on the situation of contemporary families in this town. The participation of women has an important meaning in these annual events. On the other hand, events organized on the local community level have various relationships with regard to houses. Certain community events are held inside houses, imposing a big burden on women, so much so that the continuation of these events as well as that of the groups organizing them often depend on their availability. There are varying attempts being made in order to continue these events as far as possible.

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