In de spiegel van politieverslagen. De Antwerpse Jodenrazzia van 15-16 augustus 1942

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Herman Van Goethem, « In de spiegel van politieverslagen. De Antwerpse Jodenrazzia van 15-16 augustus 1942 », Bulletin de la Commission royale d'Histoire, ID : 10.3406/bcrh.2009.1624


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In autumn 1940, the secretary-generals of Belgium agreed in principle to the collaboration of the country's authorities in the anti-Jewish measures organised by the Nazis. As a result, the Antwerp police participated in a massive roundup of Jews in August and September 1942, obeying the formal orders of their own chief superintendent, De Potter. The first roundup of 15-16th August is analysed in this text. Apparently, some officers were extremely indolent while others showed great zeal. The analysis of the assistant police commissioner's report from the 6th district reveals that few facts are noted in the report. It would seem that he wanted to deny all responsibility, nothing more. On the other hand, a number of officers also wrote reports during these roundups. Overall, these documents show that this was an event of unprecedented violence. It is therefore clear that the burgomaster, Delwaide, and the Crown prosecutor, Baers, had indeed been informed of what had happened on the night of 15th to 16th August.

De Belgische secretarissen-generaal stemden in het najaar van 1940 principieel in met de medewerking van de Belgische overheden aan de discriminatoire anti-Joodse nazi-regelgeving. In het verlengde daarvan werkte de

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