Le sceau d'Uluburun KW 1463 : «Petit prince » ou «Grand roi » ?

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Dominique Collon, « Le sceau d'Uluburun KW 1463 : «Petit prince » ou «Grand roi » ? », Cahiers du Centre d’Études Chypriotes, ID : 10.3406/cchyp.2007.1498


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. Around 1 300 BC a ship sank at Uluburun, off the south coast of Turkey. Among the treasures excavated in the wreck were nine cylinder seals. One of these was exceptionally small, very finely cut, and had gold caps, one of which was found. Its iconography is unusual, but one of the figures appears on the Baal au Foudre stele and on a ritual stand from Ugarit. This paper will focus on the identity of this figure, on the meaning of the subject depicted on the seal, and will seek to address the problem of why the seal might have been on the Uluburun ship.

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