Eurasian energy prospects and politics. Need For a Fresh Perspective

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Mehmet Ögütçü, « Eurasian energy prospects and politics. Need For a Fresh Perspective », CEMOTI, Cahiers d'Études sur la Méditerranée Orientale et le monde Turco-Iranien, ID : 10.3406/cemot.1995.1252


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The Eurasian world around the Caspian Sea is poised to become an important oil and natural gas producer. This region is a gateway to three regions that are of great strategic importance to the West : to the east lies China and the rest of Asia ; to the south lies Iran, Afghanistan, and the Islamic world ; to the west and north lies Russia, Turkey and Europe. The distance to an open sea varies between some 2,000 km (to the Black Sea, Persian Gulf) and over 5,000 km (to the Pacific seaboard). This is a region much larger than Western Europe. Future developments in Eurasia will therefore affect fundamentally, not only the security of energy supplies, but also the traditional geo-political equation in that part of the globe. For a variety of crucial considerations, the West needs to address as early as possible the current problems faced there while at the same time pursuing a pro-active policy of conflict prevention, supported by increased investment flows and open markets. The mutually rewarding energy co-operation offers the best means for integrating this region into the world family of market democracies. And from wherever one views, Turkey, appears well positioned geographically, politically and economically to serve as a relatively secure energy 'bridge' between Eurasia and the West.

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