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Jean-Jacques Breton, « Mort périnatale, deuil et relations parents-enfant. », Enfance, ID : 10.3406/enfan.1984.2849
At first the author defines the current reality of perinatal death and, beginning with Freud expounds on the major theoretical contributions of the past decades to the process of grief. He then reviews the various qualitative and quantitative studies on the subject. The concepts of the replacement child, of double mourning (internal and external baby) and of pregnancy as mourning are the lines of thought of the qualitative studies. Quantitative research focuses on the problems faced by the hospital team and the emotional reactions to perinatal death. The diversity of emotional responses is a striking outcome of these studies. Finally the author summarizes the publications on assistance to the grieving family. These indicate the relevance of questioning established hospital routine, the necessity of an adequate follow-up and of a better training for physicians.