Agents et bureaux de poste dans les quartiers sensibles

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Suzanne Rosenberg, « Agents et bureaux de poste dans les quartiers sensibles », FLUX Cahiers scientifiques internationaux Réseaux et Territoires, ID : 10.3406/flux.2000.1341


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The paper first demonstrates that the dual nature (public utility/commercial enterprise) of the French postal service (La Poste) creates a double-bind situation for the company's staff. The consequences of this situation are then studied, both for the staff and for users. It is shown that (adverse) consequences are more important for deprived individuals/users. This leads in practice to a denial of the equality principle which traditionnally characterizes public utility services and which is systematically used to oppose any request that services be adapted to the specific needs of deprived users. What is in fact observed in deprived areas is the opposite of affirmative action, with both staff and users of these areas being disadvantaged. In its relation with its most deprived users, La Poste seems to perform poorly both in terms of local cost of service estimations and in terms of tailored service. How then can the real "cost" of public service obligations be measured?

battu en brèche. On constate de fait, dans les quartiers d'habitat social, une discrimination négative, tant à l'égard des postiers qu'à rencontre des usagers. Pour ses clients les plus en difficulté, l'entreprise La Poste n'apparaît performante ni dans sa connaissance locale du rapport coûts/produits, ni dans l'adaptation de ses prestations. Comment, dans de telles conditions, mesurer le coût de ces obligations de service public?

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