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Peter Schöttler, « Marc Bloch et Lucien Febvre face à l'Allemagne nazie », Genèses. Sciences sociales et histoire (documents), ID : 10.3406/genes.1995.1325
Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre in the face of Nazi Germany Contrary to a widespread preconception, the Annales of Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre were not «unaware» of Nazism, but attempted to explain its genesis and particularities in a number of articles. Thus, in discussing the work of L. Varga, Febvre proposed to analyze Nazism as a socio-cultural movement and not as a doctrine. During the war, the editors of the Annales were directly confronted with the yoke of Nazism in the form of the terrible choice between discontinuing or continuing to publish the revue. Whereas several commentators have recently accused Febvre of «accommodating» or even «collaborating» with the occupying regime, the author reconstitutes the facts involved in the conflict between Bloch and Febvre, arguing in favour of a more impartial understanding of the latter's behaviour.