Braila at the End ofthe Nineteenth Centmy. The Report of Vice-Comul William]. Norcop on the Year 1899

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Cristian Constantin, « Braila at the End ofthe Nineteenth Centmy. The Report of Vice-Comul William]. Norcop on the Year 1899 », Hiperboreea Journal. Journal of History, ID : 10.3406/hiper.2017.936


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The text proper is preceded by a short historical comment on the activity of the International Trade in the Lower Danube region. The exports and imports of Romania, and her commercial relations with the different European countries had been, from their very beginning, organised on a highly individual basis owing to the initiative and according to the interests of private citizens. The report is an extremely important source for all social aspects related to the Bdila harbour, from statistic dates about export and import, agriculture, navigation, and economic realities in the towns. This document is an alternative to the statistical sources published by the European Commission of the Danube and by the Romanian authorities.

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