«Immigrant business» en Allemagne : Une réflexion critique sur les modèles d'explication dominants

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Robert Pütz, « «Immigrant business» en Allemagne : Une réflexion critique sur les modèles d'explication dominants », Hommes et Terres du Nord, ID : 10.3406/htn.2002.2825


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„Immigrant Business" in Germany : A critical review of the dominating explanatory concepts The most recent debate about a new 'Turkish entrepreneurship" in Germany triggered off the fundamental reflections on the necessarily critical conceptualization of the relation between "culture" and entrepreneurial action. The dominating concepts in the field of "ethnic business"/ in which questions of cultural orientation in entrepreneurial action have been a central issue for some time, can serve as a starting point for this analysis. For understanding the term culture and the conceptualization of culture in conjunction with entrepreneurial action, a few critical remarks and a shift in perspective are necessary. Contributions of economic geography inspired by the "cultural turn", which shows alternative ways of thinking about the connection between culture and economy by using a new understanding of culture may be utilized here. Focusing on the group of "German-Turkish entrepreneurs" this paper concludes with an outline of a number of conceptual considerations for action-oriented research on the relation between culture and entrepreneurial action.

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