Le phénomène sémantico-discursif de déconstruction-reconstruction des topoï dans une sémantique argumentative intégrée

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Olga Galatanu, « Le phénomène sémantico-discursif de déconstruction-reconstruction des topoï dans une sémantique argumentative intégrée », Langue française, ID : 10.3406/lfr.1999.6295


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Olga Galatanu, The semantico-discursive phenomenon of topoï deconstruction-reconstruction in an integrated argumentative semantics Having as starting point the analysis of semantico-discursive phenomenon, frequent in media discourse, the phenomenon of topoï deconstruction-reconstruction, and in line with the « argumentation in language theory » , this article proposes a description of the lexical meaning suitable to be caracterized as an integrated argumentative semantics which articulates the stereotypes associated to words, in Putnam's meaning, and the « argumentative possibilities » associated to each element of these stereotypes. An analogy with the quantum states of particles would allow to represent the « argumentative possibilities » of words' meaning as topical clouds, carriers of systems of beliefs . The article aims to show the incidences of this semantic approach on the analysis of discursive mechanisms.

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