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Patxi Salaberri Zaratiegi, « En torno al sistema toponímico vasco : los antrotopónimos », Nouvelle revue d'onomastique (documents), ID : 10.3406/onoma.2016.1857
Regarding the Basque toponymic system : anthrotoponyms. In this work we carry out an analysis of Basque anthrotoponyms, starting with the names of the Basque regions. We then mention a number of items (mostly dona, done) that are used in the formation of our hagiotoponyms. We also examine in detail the endings and suffixes found in place names with an anthroponymic basis, relating them to their corresponding Romance variants. Following this we deal with villa, a Latin or Romance common noun analogous to Basque huri, both of which frequently go together with anthroponymic bases. To conclude we draw some conclusions from the claims made in the article.