Armoiries et emblèmes d'ordres religieux sur les vases de pharmacie

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Drug jars with coats of arms and emblems of religious Orders. From the fifteenth century onwards monasteries and hospitals in Italy, France, Spain and Portugal commissioned tin-glazed earthenware apothecary jars for their pharmacies. Such containers, which served to store medicaments, spices and aromatics waters, often displayed the coat of arms or emblem of the religious order to which the monastery or hospital belonged. The jars were made in Sicily, the Abruzzi, Naples, Tuscany, Liguria, Montpellier, Bordeaux, Niderviller, Talavera, Seville, Portugal and elsewhere. Fifteen religious orders whose arms occur on pharmacy jars are listed in chronological order of date of the foundation of the order, and their coats of arms are described : they are the Benedictines, Camaldolites, Carthusians, Antonians, Knights Hospitallers of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Carmelites, Franciscans (and Capucins, sub-order of the Franciscans), Dominicans, Mercedarians, Celestines, Augustinians, Olivetans, Minims, Jesuits and Brothers Hospitallers of St. John.

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