Vers des armes biologiques de nouvelle génération

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Patrick Berche, « Vers des armes biologiques de nouvelle génération », Politique étrangère, ID : 10.3406/polit.2005.1093


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■ Patrick Berche, A New Generation of Biological Weapons ? The use of pathogens as biological weapons was considered since their early discovery. Attacks using « natural » virulent germs, such as the bacillus of plague or anthrax, were perpetrated during the 20th century by States or terrorists. Recent scientific progress dramatically changes the threat of biological weapons, by improving the virulence or the resistance of pathogens (bacteria or virus), by genetic manipulations. At the edge of the 21st century, it is now possible to synthesize in vitro small viruses, thus it is conceivable to design very dangerous viruses, such as Ebola or smallpox viruses. Recent technological breakthroughs permit the creation of novel germs, extremely dangerous since never encountered before by highly susceptible humans. Prevention of bioterrorist attacks requires a careful scientific surveillance of potentially dangerous biotechnological innovations, and eventually rétention of scientific information of the most unsafe data. Overcoming the crisis induced by bioterrorist attacks remains a major problem of information management.

Les progrès des biotechnologies permettent d'« améliorer » la virulence et la résistance des germes, bactéries ou virus. On a réussi à synthétiser in vitro des petits virus à partir des données informatiques des génomes des agents pathogènes : la synthèse de virus plus dangereux devient possible. Des avancées biotechnologiques récentes permettent la création de germes nouveaux, qui confronteraient les populations à des agents pathogènes inédits. La prévention des attaques suppose une surveillance étroite des innovations biotechnologiques potentiellement dangereuses, et une réflexion sur la diffusion des données les plus sensibles.

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