Sida, un enjeu global de sécurité

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Résumé En Fr

■ Stefan Elbe, AIDS, a Global Stake of Security This article argues that the global AIDS pandemic is no longer solely a health issue, but also has emerging human, national, and international security dimensions that must be acknowledged by scholars and international policy-makers. In order to substantiate this argument, this article specifically analyses these three dimensions in greater detail, and outlines the broad policy implications that follow from such an analysis. It is important to recognize these security dimensions of the AIDS pandemic, the article concludes, (i) in order to arrive at a more comprehensive understanding of the nature and extent of the contemporary pandemic ; (ii) in order for the level of the international response to become commensurate with the extent of the global challenge posed by the AIDS pandemic ; and (iii) because the security sector, as a high-risk group and vector of the virus, can make a responsible contribution to international efforts to reduce the transmission of HIV/AIDS.

La pandémie de sida est une tragédie de sécurité humaine : touchant la sécurité alimentaire, l'emploi, l'éducation et les services publics, elle a des effets globaux sur la stabilité des États. Les armées sont particulièrement touchées par le virus. Elles peuvent être des vecteurs de propagation, et donc de déstabilisation internationale, modifiant les conditions mêmes des conflits, ou des opérations de maintien de la paix. Mais elles peuvent aussi devenir des acteurs majeurs de la lutte contre la pandémie.

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