Penser les données par le territoire ?

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24 novembre 2021

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Valérie Larroche et al., « Penser les données par le territoire ? », Balisages, ID : 10.35562/balisages.518


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Le dossier thématique du troisième numéro de Balisages questionne les données au prisme du territoire. Mobiliser la notion de territoire numérique pour caractériser le cyberespace, défini comme un espace numérique construit par l’ensemble des systèmes d’information planétaires (Musso, 2008) et des données qui le constituent, ouvre la voie à de nombreuses hypothèses de recherche.    Le territoire numérique a-t-il un potentiel heuristique pour étudier le cyberespace comme système de données ? Quels seraient les savoirs constitutifs du ou des territoires numériques ? Enfin, l’expérience du cyberespace, telle qu’elle est vécue par les cybernautes, structure-t-elle et détermine-t-elle la notion de territoire numérique ?     Voir l'appel à articles.

Considering the digital landscape as a territory? Special issue coordinated by Valérie Larroche (Enssib, Elico – UDL), Geoffroy Gawin (Enssib, Elico – UDL) and Emmanuel Brandl (Enssib, Max Weber – UDL),    The concept of digital landscape is mainly used to refer to town and country planning projects using digital networks and data collection and processing projects related to a geographical space (town, city, etc.). In other words, the digital landscape is often reduced to a digitally accompanied territory (Pagès, 2010). This call aims to expand the scope by considering the territory from the point of view of cyberspace defined as a digital space made up of all the global information systems (Musso, 2008), these various systems being made up of data. Mobilising the notion of territory with the use of the expression digital territory to characterise cyberspace, which for most Internet users simultaneously evokes "a virtual, dematerialised, borderless, anonymous "world" of freedom, sharing and communication" (Desforges, 2014, p. 67), is based on three premises.   The first underlines the possibility of interrelating certain territorial characteristics such as the population (Internet users) and its mode of governance (self-regulation) (Desforges, 2014, p. 74) to cyberspace; the second presupposes the existence of a link between data, their organisation (Callon, 2013; Soulier, 2014) and the concept of digital territory. Finally, the last presupposes that data are constitutive of the information, knowledge and know-how developed and circulating in cyberspace.    The questions that this dossier aims to raise deal with the following three axes: does the digital territory have a heuristic potential for studying cyberspace as a data system? What fields of knowledge constitute the digital territory(s)? Finally, does the exposure to cyberspace, as experienced by cybernauts, structure and determine the concept of digital territory?   Read the CFP.

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