Cost of Living of Industrial Workers in the United States and Europe, 1888-1890

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7 décembre 2006


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Michael R. Haines, « Cost of Living of Industrial Workers in the United States and Europe, 1888-1890 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR07711.v4


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These data were gathered in order to determine the cost of living as well as the cost of production in selected industries in the United States and several Western European countries. The study is comprised of nine industries (cotton and woolen textiles, glass, pig iron, bar iron, steel, bituminous coal, coke, and iron ore) and contains family-level information on the household composition, income and expenditures of workers in these industries. Additional topics covered include sources of income, ages and sex of children, detailed occupation of the household head, detailed expenditures for food as well as nonfood items, and characteristics of the family's dwelling units.

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