National Survey of Health Attitudes, [United States], 2018

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16 décembre 2021


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Anita Chandra, « National Survey of Health Attitudes, [United States], 2018 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR37633.v5


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Since 2013, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has led the development of a pioneering national action framework to advance a "culture that enables all in our diverse society to lead healthier lives now and for generations to come." Accomplishing these principles requires a national paradigm shift from a traditionally disease and health care-centric view of health toward one that focuses on well-being. Recognizing that paradigm shifts require intentional actions, RWJF worked with RAND researchers to design an actionable path to fulfill the Culture of Health (CoH) vision. A central piece of this work is the development of measures to assess constructs underlying a CoH. The National Survey of Health Attitudes is a survey that RWJF and RAND analysts developed and conducted as part of the foundation's CoH strategic framework. The foundation undertook this survey to measure key constructs that could not be measured in other data sources. Thus, the survey was not meant to capture the full action framework that informs CoH, but rather just selected measure areas. The questions in this survey primarily addressed the action area: making health a shared value. The survey covers a variety of topics, including views regarding what factors influence health, such as the notion of health interdependence (peer, family, neighborhood, and workplace drivers of health), values related to national and community investment for health and well-being; behaviors around health and well-being, including civic engagement on behalf of health, and the role of community engagement and sense of community in relation to health attitudes and values. This study includes the results from the 2018 RWJF National Survey of Health Attitudes. This 2018 survey is considered the second wave, the first wave of the survey was conducted in 2015 (ICPSR 37405). In 2018, the study team fielded an updated version that included many of the same questions but added some new constructs that were of interest as part of the larger Culture of Health effort. This study complements the overview of the 2015 survey described in the RAND report Development of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation National Survey of Health Attitudes (Carman et al., 2016).

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