Social Media, Social Life: How American Teens View Their Digital Lives, United States, 2012

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13 mai 2021


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Vicky Rideout, « Social Media, Social Life: How American Teens View Their Digital Lives, United States, 2012 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR37960.v1


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The goal of this study was to examine young American teenagers' social media use and their perceptions of effects. Data is from a large-scale, nationally representative and probability-based online survey taken by teens ages 13 to 17. Participants answered questions about how often they use social media, their attitudes about social media's role in their lives, the experiences they have on social media, and how social media makes them feel. Social media includes: Social networking sites (Facebook, MySpace, and GooglePlus) Programs like Twitter or Tumblr, virtual worlds like Second Life Online chatting in video or computer games like World of Warcraft Things posted on sites like YouTube, Formspring, or other websites Additional information was collected about participants' social and emotional well-being. Demographics include age, gender, race/ethnicity, and U.S. region.

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