September 9, 2020
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Julia Velkovska, « L’intimité anonyme dans les conversations électroniques sur les webchats », Sociologie du travail, ID : 10.4000/sdt.32951
Using ethnomethodology and phenomenological sociology, this paper analyses identities and relations arising through real time written interactions in webchats. How do users constitute identities based only on electronic writing? How can relations form, develop and last in this context? What is specific about such electronic relations? Two kinds of data are analysed: interviews with active webchat users and discussions recorded in the chats. First of all, the paper establishes the link between the space-time framework of the communication device and the form of interactions taking place. Then, the typifications used by participants to construct their identities and relations are examined. In conclusion, the relations in the chats are characterized by a tension between intimacy and anonymity.