How can Risk Assessment techniques be used to estimate Costs for Digital Curation?

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6 juin 2017


OpenEdition Books



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Raquel Bairrão et al., « How can Risk Assessment techniques be used to estimate Costs for Digital Curation? », Publicações do Cidehus, ID : 10.4000/books.cidehus.2846


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Digital Curation involves maintaining, preserving and adding value to digital assets throughout its lifecycle. As a long term activity, estimating priorities and costs is therefore a key challenge. When considering digital preservation as part of Digital Curation concerns, we realized that the body of knowledge of Risk Management can be helpful to estimate part of the costs that are related to the controls the organization has to put in place to mitigate the perceived preservation risks. Therefore, we propose that risk management for digital repositories can be a new expertize that archivists can consider addressing in order to reinforce their relevance in Digital Curation.

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