January 30, 2014
https://www.openedition.org/12554 , info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Paul Arnould et al., « Eau et environnement », ENS Éditions, ID : 10.4000/books.enseditions.847
This volume is the result of a collaboration between Tunisian and French climatologists, hydrologists and biogeographers who have engaged in a dialogue from one shore of the Mediterranean to the other. In terms of content it concentrates on quantitative data and figures rather than Bachelard’s cherished dream. Water volumes expressed in tens or thousands of cubic metres, and water levels, in millimetres or metres, feature more prominently than rare, precious, beautiful or poetic details. Eau et environnement deliberately focuses on anomalies more than regularities. Excessive rainfall, insufficient rainfall, where water is too unevenly distributed, where it is too erosive, where it is under exploited or where it is too inefficiently used... all this information is provided at different levels, from the country to the basic catchment area, including regions where imbalances in the supply and use of the resource are identified. Eau et environnement focuses on a specific period in time, the end of the 20th century, and presents the specific situation in Tunisia and France, along with a short reference to Algeria. The ambition of the community of researchers who contributed to this volume is, however, to widen perceptions within the sector on water-related issues to include so-called integrated, global or systemic approaches which might be rolled out in other areas. This vessel will certainly be carried along in the current of water-related research.