June 7, 2019
info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess , https://www.openedition.org/12554
Kristjan Toomaspoeg, « Les ordres religieux militaires et la diplomatie », Éditions de la Sorbonne, ID : 10.4000/books.psorbonne.16472
The article deals with the intense “diplomatic” missions and negotiations undertaken by the military orders. It approaches the subject from two points of view. In the first instance, the order’s activities undertaken for their own benefit are observed and then those undertaken for other powers. With the help of a number of concrete examples, the heretofore relatively little-known role of the orders in the movement towards the professional diplomacy of the Modern Period is illustrated. The importance of their contribution to medieval diplomacy is also discussed. This was due to a series of elements such as the social origins of the brothers, their experience, their knowledge of the politics of the East and the West and their discipline, which helped make them thoroughly professional servants of the European Courts.