April 12, 2019
info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess , https://www.openedition.org/12554
Anna Boschetti, « Le « formalisme réaliste » d’Olivier Cadiot : une réponse à la question des possibles et du rôle de la recherche littéraire aujourd’hui », Éditions de la Sorbonne, ID : 10.4000/books.psorbonne.19873
In the analysis he dedicated to Flaubert’s and Baudelaire’s work, Pierre Bourdieu defined their aesthetics as a “realist formalism”, based on “the conciliation of possibilities that was wrongly separated by the dominant art’s representation”. In fact, “it is the ‘pure’ work on the ‘pure’ form, formal exercise par excellence, that produces, as by magic, a reality more real than that is immediately perceivable by senses”. But it is not easy to get rid of very resistant mental schemes: the opposition formalism/realism is still very strong today, so that it risks to hide the main contribution that formal researches can give to the world’s knowledge. The work of Olivier Cadiot is a good example of “realist formalism”, because, far from validating the prejudices about the gratuity of formal work and its ethic neutralism, it gives new answers to questions such as the literature’s relationship with the reality and its social function.