June 16, 2023
info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess , https://www.openedition.org/12554
Julie Anselmini, « Critique dramatique et autopromotion du dramaturge : Dumas feuilletoniste dans L’Impartial et La Presse (1836-1838) », Presses universitaires de Caen, ID : 10.4000/books.puc.17591
Under the cover of transparency and impartiality, and while claiming that he wants to wrench critics from venality and to dissociate them from all types of publicity, through his dramatic serials Dumas engages in a self-promotion made even more efficient by the fact that it uses many pretenses and wears a mask: it is indeed also the critics’ task to cultivate his fame as a writer, to sell his works and to serve the goals – both personal and collective – that he sets for himself.