March 22, 2024
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Catherine Vialle, « Ce que les femmes désirent… dans la Bible », Presses universitaires de Rennes, ID : 10.4000/books.pur.197174
This article means to address the question of “female” desire in the Bible. Seen from the first chapters of Genesis, women’s desire appears clearly suspicious: have we not been driven out of the Garden of Eden because of Eve’s unfortunate desire? A reading of Genesis 2-3 is therefore necessary, in order to study the way desire is brought into play in the narrative. The punishment that the woman receives when she is expelled from paradise affects her in the desire that pushes her towards her man and in her motherhood (Gen 3:16). How is this punishment confirmed in the Bible? In the end, do women desire something other than men and children? It is what this brief journey through the Old and New Testaments considers.