November 18, 2019
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Stéphane Zékian, « Sommes-nous sortis du XIXe siècle ? Le romantisme français comme matrice historiographique », Cahiers d’études germaniques, ID : 10.4000/ceg.5473
The current conception of « the Classic » is still influenced by a romantic point of view, and especially by Victor Hugo whose historiographical authority remains strong until today. His interpretation claims a parallelism between political and literary revolutions. The article takes issue with such a vision of the post-revolutionary literary field. It aims to rethink what may be called « Classic » in the 19th century. By stressing the permanence and diversity of a left-wing anti-romantic trend (Carrel, Proudhon, Lafargue), it brings into light another tradition that has been forgotten for a long time. Through this critical reappraisal it paves the way for an inquiry on the lapses of collective memory.