August 18, 2015
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Nicolas Carrier et al., « Des points aveugles de la pensée abolitionniste dans le monde universitaire », Champ pénal/Penal field, ID : 10.4000/champpenal.9161
This paper identifies and critically assesses old and new challenges that, we argue, must be reckoned with if abolitionism qua abolitionism is to be tenable. A companion piece to the introduction of the special issue that examined the state of abolitionist scholarship, this article discusses some old challenges associated to traditional forms of abolitionism (prison abolitionism and penal abolitionism), but also emerging challenges surrounding abolitionist critiques of the prison industrial complex and the growing use of detention decoupled from criminal law. Our discussion is focused on five key themes: the ‘dangerous few’; the carnival of punishment; the problems with community; racism, capitalism and punishment; and legal pluralism.