Srebrenica 1995

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1 juin 2007

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Résumé 0

Les enquêtes diligentées par le TPIY et les rapports qui en sont issus sont ici l'objet d'analyses croisées portant à la fois sur l'écriture de l'histoire d'un événement traumatique, sur la détermination des responsabilités criminelles, politiques et morales et, enfin, sur la construction d'un débat public en matière de politique étrangère. The 11th of July 1995, the enclave and the city of Srebrenica in Bosnia-Herzegovina falls into the hands of the nationalist forces of General Mladic. They immediately organize the forceful transfer of the women and children and massacre more than 7 500 men. The enclave had however been officially proclaimed « safe area » by the UN and, as a consequence, its population had theoretically been placed under the protection of the international community. Following this massacre, the International Criminal Tribunal for ex-Yugoslavia has conducted investigations and several debates and reports have been commissioned by the international and state institutions involved in the unfolding of the tragic events: Bosnia-Herzegovina (1996), the UN (1999), France (2001), the Netherlands (2002), Republika Srpska (2004). For the first time, in this issue of Cultures & Conflits, these inquiries and reports are cross-analysed. The contributions focus on the meaning of writing the history of an event of such gravity, on the identification of criminal, political and moral liabilities and on the construction of a public debate on foreign policy issues.

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