Sociologie de l'Europe

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3 décembre 2002

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Olivier Baisnée et al., « Sociologie de l'Europe », Cultures & conflits, ID : 10.4000/conflits.42


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Au sommaire de ce numéro : l'espace sociopolitique européen, un champ encore en friche ? (V. Guiraudon) ; La démission de la Commission européenne : scandale et tournant institutionnel (octobre 1998-mars1999) (Didier Georgakakis) ; La construction de l'Europe : le cas des élections européennes finlandaises en 1999 (Niilo Kauppi) The European Union has become a field of research of its own. But how does this political space work ? What are its characteristics ? Who are the actors involved, and what are their strategies ? This issue presents investigations on the different actors of the European political space (Commissioners, Euro-officials, national politicians, journalists, national officials and staff-members of NGOs). These inquiries try to understand and analyse the reasons for which these actors operate at the level of the European political space, as well as the ways in which they make use of, or on the contrary suffer from its characteristic institutional complexity. In sum, these inquiries try to identify the losers, the winners, and the outsiders of this multi-level game. Through sociology of political practices, this issue tries to open up new possibilities for research and thinking on the logic of institutions.

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